I should have known. There's an old saying about bad things happening in threes so when, after over four years of living crime free in South Africa, we were hit twice recently - I should have known a third hit was on the way hey?
Last Friday night, our home and office were robbed whilst we were out.
Those mofos took everything, every scrap of clothing including the dirty laundry!!
We are currently PC-less. Not ideal for business OR Weezafish - I can read posts and comments with my phone, but that's about it. But never fear!
Normal service will be resumed very soon, there's no way this family will ever let the bar stewards get us down.
And in the meantime, you lucky, lucky peeps, my truly wonderful bessie mate, the lovely Kate from over at
http://donotbreakthedog.blogspot.co.uk/ has graciously agreed to post this for me AND add a Guest Post of her own.
You know those friends you feel lucky to have met? That's Kate. Her writing, whether just an email to me, or one of her blog posts or kids' stories, her writing inspires me to write better.
So I'll shut up now and let the woman speak . . .