Sunday 26 August 2012

Back to Normal & Bye Bye Aunty Laura

Whatever the heck normal is, I think I may have forgotten.

Just after my sisters visit, like literally the morning after she departed, I was struck down with a very nasty Stomach Flu.

I ached from head to toe, my sinuses blocked so severly my head pounded all day and all night and for six or seven days I couldn't eat, move without hurting or do much of anything at all really.

I am better. Far from recovered as yet, but better.

I'm left with a nasty cough, very tense and sore stomach muscles (all that coughing) and I haven't got my appetite back yet. Which, for anyone who knows me and my love of food, is totally out of character. I'm having to tell myself every day to eat.

Oh, and the strong sinus meds I'm taking kind of ... well, trip me out!

It could be fun, Hubby says I should enjoy the trips, and they are kind of fun. I feel spaced out and a little fuzzy, prone to giggles and unnecessary grinning.

Hard to work though, I'm a bit worried I may do something silly in my 'airy fairy' head.

I decided to post instead, a wacky little post I can look back on later and laugh at! Good idea? Maybe not, but here goes anyway ....

So my sisters visit was AWESOME. Gee, I miss her. And the rest of the bunch, my family folk over there in the UK.

She only had ten days, shortened furthermore by her delayed and rather epic journey over to us (thanks for that, Lufthansa), so we decided to hang close to home for most of the time. She'd never met our youngest, Nate, and she'd not seen Tallen since he was a baby AND we'd not seen each other in over four years.

We figured things might get a bit hectic if we'd tried to cram a South African holiday into her family trip so we focused more on the time together rather than the places we took her.

LOTS of pics were taken (180 in total), here's a few of my favs ....

We took in places where Aunty Laura could play with the boys ...

We took her to one of our favorite local Craft Markets ...
... because she wanted to take an elephant home. Not this one, wouldn't fit in her case.

Teeny motobikes, made from old cans and other 'rubbish'.

And we took her to Bryanston Organic Market.
Lots of very beautiful, hand crafted things. Thong anyone?
I LOVED these little wooden guys. Beautifully made.
But best of all, we hung out at home a lot. Hubby and the boys heading up to the field for Sunset Soccer.
We miss you Aunty Laura! Please come again very soon.